by R. Scott Boyer | Sep 29, 2021 | Bobby Ether Series News, Excerpts, YA World
Chapter 7 of Scions of the sphinx is now up on and my site at This is a big scene where we get our first real, in-depth look at the ancient kingdom that Bobby keeps flashing back to in his visions. Not only is there a heat wave and...
by R. Scott Boyer | Sep 23, 2021 | Bobby Ether Series News, Excerpts, Meet the Characters, YA World
Chapter 6 of Scions of the Sphinx is full of intrigue and action. While exploring the ruins near the Great Sphinx at Giza, Bobby and Jinx spot some unfriendly faces from the past, as well as a possible clue to unraveling the mystery of the postcard that drew them to...
by R. Scott Boyer | Sep 15, 2021 | Bobby Ether Series News, Excerpts, Meet the Characters, YA World
Chapter 5 of Scions of the Sphinx is now live. This is a big chapter! Not only do we meet Zaria, the street urchin turned spy who helps rescue Bobby and Jinx, but we also get our first look at the great sphinx. Of course, right as the gang starts to put the pieces...
by R. Scott Boyer | Sep 13, 2021 | Bobby Ether Series News, Excerpts, Meet the Characters, YA World
Chapter 4 of Scions of the Sphinx is now live on This chapter marks our first look at the main antagonist, Mu’at. Bobby doesn’t know it yet, but this strange man with the black eye-patch is the man responsible for his missing parents. Catch up...
by R. Scott Boyer | Sep 11, 2021 | Bobby Ether Series News, Meet the Characters, YA World
A few days ago, I started posted my unpublished stories on Wattpad. In addition to Scions of the Sphinx, the third book in my young adult Bobby Ether adventure series, I am also posting portions of a middle grade story I wrote back in 2015 called Helping Hands: The...