by R. Scott Boyer | Oct 18, 2020 | YA World
By far the biggest theme in my stories, the one that prompted me to write in the first place, is that of belief and spirituality. When telling people about my books, I often describe them as a blend of fantasy and spiritual fiction. The term “spiritual” sometimes...
by R. Scott Boyer | Oct 15, 2020 | Creative Process, Inspiration, YA World
When I first starting writing Bobby Ether’s adventures, one of the big questions I got asked a lot was: “Why did you choose to write about teenagers?” Truth is that it was never a conscious decision. As most author will tell you: we write what we know. It’s as simple...
by R. Scott Boyer | Oct 11, 2020 | Creative Process, Inspiration, Meet the Characters, YA World
One of the big themes in Temple of Eternity is communion with nature. Set in the Guatemalan rainforest, this story is full of dangerous predators. Some are allies. Others are foes. All are powerful and awesome. For anyone who read book one, you know what a big role...
by R. Scott Boyer | Oct 8, 2020 | Bobby Ether Series News, YA World
Super excited to meet and chat with the members of Main Street Reads Young Adult Book Club in just over an hour. Last month they selected my new fantasy, Temple of Eternity, as their book of the month. At 3pm PST I get to chat with them live via Zoom. Truly, there are...
by R. Scott Boyer | Oct 3, 2020 | Bobby Ether Series News, Creative Process, Inspiration
After a long week following the release of my new young adult fantasy, Temple of Eternity, I’ve headed to the local mountains of Lake Arrowhead, just outside of Los Angeles, for some rest and relaxation. For me, that means working on book four and revisiting...