by R. Scott Boyer | Jun 7, 2019 | Bobby Ether Series News, YA World
On Wednesday, I did a book event at Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore in San Diego. What a cool store! The whole store is dedicated to fantasy and scifi, with sections for adults and younger readers. I had some fun roaming the shelves, pointing out some of my favorite...
by R. Scott Boyer | Jun 4, 2019 | Bobby Ether Series News, YA World
I had a great time on Saturday at AB Cee Optical meeting friends and fans and promoting my new young adult adventure novel, Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy. Here’s a few photos from the event. Big thanks to everyone who showed up.For anyone who couldn’t...
by R. Scott Boyer | Jun 3, 2019 | Bobby Ether Series News, YA World
Last week, host Jim Stein Jr. interviewed me on the New Books Network (NBN) Fantasy podcast. In the podcast we discuss my new YA fantasy novel, Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy, the characters, plot, and what motivated me to write it. The entire podcast is now...
by R. Scott Boyer | May 31, 2019 | YA World
My one and only box of hardcovers arrived moments ago–just in time for my speaking event tomorrow at AB Cee Optical. So excited to greet everybody (and show off the new hardcovers!). #BobbyEther #FridayFeeling
by R. Scott Boyer | May 29, 2019 | YA World
One week from today, I’ll be speaking at Mysterious Galaxy Bookstore in San Diego. I’ll talk about my new YA fantasy novel, Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy, what inspired my to write it, take Q&A, and sign copies. It’s gonna be a lot of fun, so...