by R. Scott Boyer | Jan 7, 2025 | Creative Process, Inspiration, Meet the Characters, Short Stories
Here is another short story inspired by the same backyard that prompted Dandelions. Unlike the Dandelions story, however, this tale is based on a series of real life events. When a hive took up residence inside the wall of as house on a hillside, the question became...
by R. Scott Boyer | Oct 30, 2021 | Bobby Ether Series News, Excerpts, Meet the Characters, YA World
Chapter 9 of Scions of the Sphinx gives us our first look at the inside of Mu’at’s organization. What’s with the industrial warehouse full of mining equipment? We also get a look at Mu’at’s private penthouse (pretty swanky) and a glimpse...
by R. Scott Boyer | Oct 8, 2021 | Bobby Ether Series News, Excerpts, YA World
Scions of the Sphinx, Chapter 8, holds one of my favorite scenes of all time. Here, finally, we get some of the history and mythology behind the Great Sphinx at Giza. It is the research behind this scene that prompted me to first start writing this book. Virtually all...
by R. Scott Boyer | Sep 29, 2021 | Bobby Ether Series News, Excerpts, YA World
Chapter 7 of Scions of the sphinx is now up on and my site at This is a big scene where we get our first real, in-depth look at the ancient kingdom that Bobby keeps flashing back to in his visions. Not only is there a heat wave and...
by R. Scott Boyer | Sep 23, 2021 | Bobby Ether Series News, Excerpts, Meet the Characters, YA World
Chapter 6 of Scions of the Sphinx is full of intrigue and action. While exploring the ruins near the Great Sphinx at Giza, Bobby and Jinx spot some unfriendly faces from the past, as well as a possible clue to unraveling the mystery of the postcard that drew them to...