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Being A Good Writer vs. Writing Well

A lot of people think being a writer simply means having good grammar – all the commas and colons in their proper places, with no dangling participles or improper conjugations. Honestly, I’m not the best when it comes to grammar – though, to be fair, the rules do tend...

How (Not) To Edit A Book

Following is an article by Brian Grove about the process of editing. Given that I just finished editing my second book, Bobby Ether and the Temple of Eternity, two days ago, I can relate to what he has to say on the subject. I definitely agree that some initial edits...

Writer’s Block Isn’t Real

Here’s an interesting article on writer’s block, written by Chuck Wendig, first posted on his blog at It’s a bit long (I personally think several of the categories can be clumped together), but also quite insightful, with...