by R. Scott Boyer | Jan 13, 2021 | Bobby Ether Series News, YA World
Okay, so… yeah, it’s a mouthful. Still, I am super excited to be part of 2021 International Pulpwood Queens and Timber Guys Virtual Online Zoomathon Book Club Convention (that we call the Girlfriend Weekend Slumber Party). Last year, I went to the live...
by R. Scott Boyer | Oct 8, 2020 | Bobby Ether Series News, YA World
Super excited to meet and chat with the members of Main Street Reads Young Adult Book Club in just over an hour. Last month they selected my new fantasy, Temple of Eternity, as their book of the month. At 3pm PST I get to chat with them live via Zoom. Truly, there are...
by R. Scott Boyer | Jun 26, 2019
Celebrate debut authors this summer! Our new YA Book Club continues the second Thursday of every month. Join us to discuss We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal, a story about Zafira and Nasir who are both legends in the kingdom of Arawiya, but neither want to be. Plus,...