After taking time off to enjoy the holidays and then struggling with the flu for nearly two weeks, I am happy to report that I am finally back at it.
For those of you interested, I am currently working on editing book three in the Bobby Ether series, while simultaneously sketching ideas for book four. At the same time, I have begun work on a new MG/YA series that I hope to write. So far, I have just the general outline and some characters banging around in my head, but I am thrilled at the prospect of a new series and eager to see where it leads.
In the mean time, I thought I would share with you something I jotted down a while ago.
I’m not normally one for acronyms, but I thought it would be fun to create one based on one of my favorite expressions: “writing is rewriting.” Thus, I decided to play with the word ‘rewrite,’ but with my own special twist:
R ecognize good writing (mainly by reading great writers)
E nvision and explore your story — you have to live it in order to write it.
W rite it! This may seem obvious, but for many people, actually writing their ideas down is the hardest part. Don’t shirk, do the work!
R ewrite it over and over again. It doesn’t have to be perfect the first time. Keep honing, keep refining, and remember: writing is rewriting.
I magine the possibilities — let your creativity have free reign. Remember, you don’t have to use everything you write, and nothing has to be perfect.
T ry and test changes. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Again, just because you write it, doesn’t mean you have to use it. See where new ideas lead, then decide.
E valuate. Decide what works and what doesn’t.
R ewrite (again and again)
Yes, I snuck in an extra ‘R’ at the end by taking ‘rewrite’ and making it ‘rewriter.’ Why? Because rewriting is that important. Be creative but also be critical. Be your own harshest critic, and also a hard worker, and you should never be disappointed with the results.