I saw my family on Sunday for Mother’s Day and my niece’s birthday. Naturally, a bunch of them asked about the upcoming book release. For some reason, it didn’t seem eminent at the time. Now, after talking to my publicist this morning, it’s finally starting to sink in.
Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy is due out in just ten days! Books are being shipped, events are being scheduled (more on that in future updates), bookmarkers and flyers are being printed.
I am incredibly excited. I am also anxious. This is my chance, my give-it-all-you-got moment. Hopefully, it’s the start of many more releases to come. Hopefully, you’ll come along for the ride. Find out more about this first book in a planned YA fantasy series at Koehler Books, or on my website at RScottBoyer.com.
“Tragedy, mystery, and suspense make this scientific coming-of-age story a fascinating read.” – Clarion Review, 5 stars