Dandelions – Pt 3, Mouse
Previous Posts: Part 1 - Sun / Part 2 - Moon The following night when Mouse arrived at the garden, Sun stood silent in the twilight. He had spent the entire day staring at Moon. He knew for certain that he had to reach her, but no idea how. “There must be a way,”...
Dandelions – Pt 2, Moon
Previous Posts: Part 1 - Sun The next night, Mouse returned to the garden just as the sky turned grey. “What do you want me to do?” Mouse asked Sun. Sun, who had been thinking about it all day while staring at Moon, told Mouse his plan. “I want you to drag me,” he...
Dandelions – Pt 1, Sun
They sprouted at opposite ends of the garden, so far apart that Sun couldn’t see Moon until she grew over the edge of her untamed planter box. Buried among the bramble by the hillside, it took Sun a long time to spot her pale white face. But once he did, he could not...
Dandelions – Behind the Story
Hi Everyone. I know I haven't been posting much lately. Okay, let's be honest, i haven't been posting at all lately. But i have been writing. Part of why I don't post is that I submit some of my stories for award consideration and they don't like anything that's...

Writing Update
Since I haven't posted in a while, I thought it might be nice to update folks on my latest writing projects. As many of you know, I wrote and published two books in the Bobby Ether series; Jade Academy and Temple of Eternity. The first book actually fell out of...
Better (Late) Semi-Finalist Than Never
A few months back, I wrote my very first screenplay. Based on the premise of a "casual" home invasion, House Guests is a suspense/thriller and therefore an abrupt departure from the young adult fantasy novels I'd written up to that point. Still, the story felt...
Waking Up With Aliens
I sit back on my heels and frown. “What exactly do you mean by ‘save?’”

Taking Her Shot
A few weeks ago, my writers group starting offering prompts as a way to drive creativity and share stories related to a common theme. Basically, we pick a topic to write about, then a few words to integrate into the story. For the most recent prompt, we choose the...

Scions of the Sphinx , Ch. 9
Chapter 9 of Scions of the Sphinx gives us our first look at the inside of Mu'at's organization. What's with the industrial warehouse full of mining equipment? We also get a look at Mu'at's private penthouse (pretty swanky) and a glimpse into his motivation. I loved...

Scions of the Sphinx, Ch. 8
Scions of the Sphinx, Chapter 8, holds one of my favorite scenes of all time. Here, finally, we get some of the history and mythology behind the Great Sphinx at Giza. It is the research behind this scene that prompted me to first start writing this book. Virtually all...