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Anima & Exsos

Anima & Exsos

One of my favorite moments in my young adult spiritual fantasy, Bobby Ether and the Jade Academy, is the explanation given for the strange phenomenon that occur at the start of the book. While commonly referred to as a book’s magical structure, my approach was...
The River

The River

A good story is like a river. It starts at one location and flows to another. Along the way, it passes over obstacles and around obstructions as part of the natural course of good storytelling. But not all stories flow properly. Given the chance, plots may swirl in...

Flintridge Event Pix

On Sunday, I took part in a three author panel at Flintridge Bookstore and Coffeehouse. It was quite a drive but well worth it. The audience was packed (standing room only!). I had a wonderful time talking about my new young adult adventure, Bobby Ether and the Jade...