To All My Amazing Friends and Fans,
Over the past year, a lot of people have asked me what’s going on with my writing and when they can expect books three (and four!) to be available. Given the truly wonderful support I’ve received from so many people, I wanted to post this update to let everyone know whats going on in the Bobbyverse these days.
I am happy to report that, after my extended absence from writing following the death of my sister, Michelle, I am back to advancing my writing and publishing goals. Number one on that list is getting Bobby into the hands of a professional. Lately, I have been querying publishers and hope to have responses in the coming months.
Meanwhile, I conducted a survey on book one a while ago and, based the feedback, have rewritten the beginning. That’s right, the first fifty pages are all new—no more basketball scene! I don’t want to give too much away, but the new version starts with an earthquake caused by a nightmare… Pretty dramatic stuff but still kid appropriate, I promise.
I’ve also been dabbling with book four, which is basically two stories in one. The first part involves Bobby and Jinx and their search to save Zaria, a quest that has them “soul traveling” to ancient Alexandria (among other things). This storyline is done except for the final scene.
The other storyline involves Trevor, Lily, and Jacob off on their own adventures to track down the Core. It isn’t written yet, but I am really excited about this project and the opportunity to give this trio some quality time on their own. Honestly, I’m still not sure who’s POV I will use, but I can hardly wait to find out!
Once both parts of book four are complete, I will blend them together and begin the revision/editing process. Unfortunately, I have no set completion date, but it won’t be long now until this project gets my full attention 🙂
As for book three—as many of you know, Bobby Ether and the Great Sphinx has been written for some time now. However, in keeping with my goals of finding a professional publisher/agent, I have refrained from self-publishing it as I did the first two. That said, I am very proud of book three (I actually consider it to be the best book in the series so far). As such, I am open to sharing it with anyone interested, especially since I don’t have a timeline for when it might otherwise be available.
If you’d like a digital copy of book three, or the rewrite of book one, send me an email at and I’ll see what I can do. Once again, thank you to all my friends and fans for all the amazing support as I’ve dealt with the passing of my first reader, editor, and dear sister, Michelle.