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Taking Her Shot

Taking Her Shot

A few weeks ago, my writers group starting offering prompts as a way to drive creativity and share stories related to a common theme. Basically, we pick a topic to write about, then a few words to integrate into the story. For the most recent prompt, we choose the...

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Scions of the Sphinx , Ch. 9

Scions of the Sphinx , Ch. 9

Chapter 9 of Scions of the Sphinx gives us our first look at the inside of Mu'at's organization. What's with the industrial warehouse full of mining equipment? We also get a look at Mu'at's private penthouse (pretty swanky) and a glimpse into his motivation. I loved...

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Scions of the Sphinx, Ch. 8

Scions of the Sphinx, Ch. 8

Scions of the Sphinx, Chapter 8, holds one of my favorite scenes of all time. Here, finally, we get some of the history and mythology behind the Great Sphinx at Giza. It is the research behind this scene that prompted me to first start writing this book. Virtually all...

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